THE THIRTEEN - Antwerp (1891-1899)
The art circle Les XIII was founded in February 1891. It brought about a revival of local art life, which would eventually lead to the establishment of Kunst van Heden in 1905.
Les XIII was an association of visual artists in Antwerp who wanted to free art from academism. They dedicated themselves to the renewal of artistic life in Antwerp by organising an annual 'Salon', as well as by participating in group exhibitions.
Its objectives were similar to those of the circle Les XX from Brussels, with which the group consciously distanced itself from Als ik kan in Antwerp.
The first exhibition was organised in the same year 1891.
They existed until 1899 and only organised three salons during their existence. Several wellknown artists participated.
1. Exhibition 1891, prob. till 15 march 1891
2. Exhibition 1892, in the 'Oud Museum' of Antwerp, from 7 till 28 february 1892
3. Exhibition ?
Numerous membres were also members of the Antwerp circle Arte et Labore.
The founders are Léon Abry, Emile Claus, Edouard De Jans, Henri De Smeth, Edgard Farasyn, Maurice Hagemans, Frans Hens, Evert Larock, Romain Looymans, Henry Luyten, Charles Mertens, Henry Rul, Leo Van Aken, Louis Van Engelen, Piet Verhaert and Theodore Verstraete.
Like-minded artist from home and abroad were invited to exhibit :
Albert Baertsoen, Hubert Bellis, Franz Binjé, Albéric Collin, Adrien-Joseph Heymans, Fernand Khnopff, Max Liebermann, Constantin Meunier, Isidore Meyers, Jan Stobbaerts, Alexandre Struys, Gustave Vanaise and Guillaume Van Strydonck.
Henry van de Velde blamed this circle for his academiscism and its rather mercantile than artistic ambitions.