Tuesday 18 DECEMBER 2018 20:00
Address : Huize Decraene, Landsroemlaan 53 - 1083 Ganshoren
Claude Debussy (1862-1918) - Autour de Debussy
Jan Vande Weghe, piano
Peter Vanhove, piano
Program : |
Peter Vanhove & Jan Vande Weghe, piano 4-hands |
- Claude Debussy |
- Prélude, Cortège et Air de Danse (1884) - (Cantate L’Enfant Prodigue) |
Peter Vanhove, piano solo |
- Frédéric Chopin |
- Lento con gran espressione (1830) |
- Herman Meulemans |
- Als de beke zingt |
- Charles Gounod |
- Le ruisseau (1849) |
- Joseph Jongen |
- Jeux de Nymphe (1927) |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Saïdjah’s Lied (1929)
- Het Wielewaal en Leeuwerkt (1921) |
Jan Vande Weghe, piano solo |
- Aleksander Borodin |
- Au Couvent (1870-1885) |
- Claude Debussy |
- Danse bohémienne (1880)
- La cathédrale engloutie (Préludes, premier livre, 1910)
- Voiles (Préludes, premier livre, 1910) |
- Georges Lonque |
- Voilier (1952) |
Peter Vanhove & Jan Vande Weghe, piano 4-hands |
- Claude Debussy |
- Petite Suite (1888) • En Bateau • Cortège • Menuet • Ballet |
Pianists Jan Vande Weghe and Peter Vanhove have been a piano duo for many years. They met at the Brussels Conservatory, where they were both trained; Jan with André De Groote and Peter with Jean Brouwers and Daniël Blumenthal. His training in Berlin led Jan to solo recitals, performances with orchestra. He is currently largely active in the world of singing. Peter immersed himself in the discovery of unknown piano literature, especially by Belgian composers but also by Georges Bizet and made highly acclaimed CD recordings and concert tours to the Middle East. With works for solo and duo piano Peter and Jan play at festivals in their own country and often also in the Balkans (Croatia and Bosnia). For concert@home they will perform a programme around Claude Debussy, who died 100 years ago, surrounded by composers who inspired him or who were inspired by him: Borodin, Chopin, Lonque, Mortelmans and others.
website : www.concertathome.be - www.petervanhove.com
Program : ESPRESSO (06:00 - 09:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - 2 lieder: Als de Ziele luistert - 't Groeit een Blomken [05:55]
Hendrickje Van Kerckhove, soprano - Christel Kessels, piano
SENZANOME 5411499 92022 92022
Address : Afspanning de Jachthoorn, Doornstraat 11 - 2550 Kontich
Concert Lodewijk Mortelmans and contempories
Organisiation : Orde van den Prince - Division Antwerpen-Plantiniana
Jan Moeyaert, piano
Liesbeth Devos, soprano
Hans van Kerckhove, violin
Program : |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Het Wielewaalt en Leeuwerkt |
- Marinus De Jong |
- 't is Stille |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Hoe schoon de morgendauw |
- Joseph Ryelandt |
- Weemoed |
- Antonín Dvořák |
- Romance Romance for piano and violin |
- Sergej Rachmaninov |
- vocalise for piano solo |
- Richard Strauss |
- Morgen |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Romance for piano and violin
- Prinses Zonnestraal |
- Claude Debussy |
- La fille aux cheveux de lin |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Als de ziele luistert
- 't Jonge Jaar |
Friday 7 DECEMBER 2018 20:00
Address : Parochiezaal Oudegem, Hofstraat 7A - 9200 Oudegem-Dendermonde
Lecture Flemish Romantic Composers
Organisation : Davidsfonds
Program :
In a fascinating period we browse through the life and music of Flemish composers such as Peter Benoit, Jan Blockx, Lodewijk Mortelmans, August De Boeck and Jef Van Hoof.
Their work can be compared to that of classical masters, but they did not receive the appreciation they deserved.
website : www.dendermonde.be - www.svm.be
Thursday 29 NOVEMBER 2018
Program : GOLDBERG (00:00 - 06:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Saïdjah’s Lied [04:59]
Peter Vanhove, piano
Saturday 24 & Sunday 25 NOVEMBER 2018
2018 - Klara TOP 100
You have chosen !
Thank you for supporting our belgian composers
Program : KLARA TOP 100 - Position 40
Peter Benoit - Fantasie nr.3 Op.18 [05:06]
Peter Vanhove, piano
Program : KLARA TOP 100 - Position 60
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Het Wielewaalt en Leeuwerkt [05:29]
Peter Vanhove, piano
Program : KLARA TOP 100 - Position 86
Jan Blockx - Vlaamse Dansen
Program : GOLDBERG (00:00 - 07:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - 3. Sirens playing and singing, from Homeric Symphony [11:37]
Martyn Brabbins, conductor - DeFilharmonie
Program : GOLDBERG (00:00 - 07:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Mythe der Lente [10:41]
Martyn Brabbins, conductor - DeFilharmonie
Program : GOLDBERG (00:00 - 06:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrisch gedicht voor klein orckest [11:40]
Bjarte Engeset, conductor - Vlaams Radio Orkest
MMP 029
Wednesday 21 NOVEMBER 2018 20:00
Address : Miry Concertzaal, Biezekapelstraat 9 - 9000 Gent
Liesbeth Devos & Jozef De Beenhouwer
Liesbeth Devos, soprano
Jozef De Beenhouwer, piano
Schubert, Schumann, Brahms & Mortelmans
‘Knowest thou where the lemon blossom grows?' Words from Goethe’s novel Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, when the young Mignon evokes an idyllic but unreachable place. That about sums up the mood of this recital. Soprano Liesbeth Devos and pianist Jozef De Beenhouwer draw on the rich romantic oeuvre of well-known Lied composers such as Schubert, Schumann and Brahms, as well as that of the Antwerp composer Lodewijk Mortelmans, who is the focus of their most recent CD recording. For the lyrics almost all the leading poets of the time, from Heinrich Heine and Detlev von Liliencron to Eduard Mörike and Robert Burns to Walter Scott, signed... In short, a wonderful evening full of moonlight, forests, mountains, mysticism and heroism in love. The ideal moment for a dissection of romance.
Due to illness this concert is cancelled. Liesbeth Devos will be a guest in MIRY concert hall in season 2019-2020.
Program : |
- Robert Schumann |
1810-1856 |
From ‘Myrthen op.25’ (1840):
- Widmung (Friedrich Rückert)
- Der Nussbaum (Julius Mosen)
- Die Lotosblume (Heinrich Heine)
- Was will die einsame Träne (Heinrich Heine)
- Die Hochländer-Witwe (Robert Burns/Wilhelm Gerhard)
- Weit, weit (Robert Burns/ Wilhelm Gerhard)
From ‘Lieder und Gesänge aus Wilhelm Meister op.98 a’ (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe):
- Mignon: Kennst du das Land |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
1868-1952 |
- Lied van Mignon (‘Kennst du das Land’) (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
- Hoe schoon de Morgendauw (Guido Gezelle) (1900)
- Meidag (Guido Gezelle) (1913)
- Als de Ziele luistert (Guido Gezelle) (1913)
- Het jonge jaar (Guido Gezelle) (1900) |
- Johannes Brahms |
1833 - 1897 |
- Wie Melodien zieht es mir (Klaus Groth) Op.105 Nr.1 (1886/88)
- Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer (Hermann Lingg) Op.105 Nr.2 (1886/88)
- Auf dem Kirchhofe (Detlev von Lieliencron) Op.105 Nr.4 (1886/88)
- Mädchenlied (Paul Heyse) Op.107 Nr.5 (1886/87)
- An eine Äolsharfe (Eduard Mörike), Op.19 Nr.5 (1858) |
- Franz Schubert |
1797 - 1828 |
Ellen’s Gesänge (from Walter Scott’s ‘Fräulein vom See’), Op.52 (1825)
- Ellen’s erster Gesang – ‘Raste Krieger’ D.837
- Ellen’s zweiter Gesang – ‘Jäger, ruhe von der Jagd!’ D.838
- Ellen’s dritter Gesang (Hymne an die Jungfrau) –‘Ave Maria’ D.839 |
Sunday 18 NOVEMBER 2018 15:00
Address : PODIUM 111, Sint Josephstraat 111 - 5017 GG Tilburg - NL
Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Tochter aus Elysium
Wir betreten feuertrunken
Himmlische, dein Heiligthum
It is these famous lines of poetry by Schiller, set to music by Beethoven in his ninth symphony, that sketch the cheerful character of the programme that we present to you on Sunday 18 November. We hear the youthful exuberance of Chopin, the tenderness of Brahms, the sun in the works of Albéniz and the dreaminess and richness of colours of Fauré and Debussy and the Flemish composer Lodewijk Mortelmans, who is played far too little in the Netherlands. In short, a musical afternoon to forget the autumn blues and to which we warmly invite you.
Organisation : COMTESA
Paul Arents, piano
Already at the beginning of his career the Flemish pianist Paul Arents was laureate of several Belgian piano competitions, such as the national piano competition Stephan de Jonghe where he became first laureate in 1976, he won the silver government medal and studied at the famous Mozarteum in Salzburg, after which he had many solo performances and also performed as an accompanist.
Program : |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Het wielewaalt en leeuwerkt |
- Claude Debussy |
- Suite Bergamasque: Prélude- Menuet- Claire de Lune |
- Gabriel Fauré |
- Ballade in Fis groot, Op.19 |
- Johannes Brahms |
- Intermezzo in A, andante teneramente from Klavierstücke Op.118 |
- Frédéric Chopin |
- Rondo à la Mazur in F, Op.5 |
- Isaac Albeniz |
- Mallorca (Barcarolle)
- Piezas caracteristicas , Op.92, 'Torre Bermeja-Serenata'
- Suite Espagnola, Op.47 : Cadiz (Saete) nr.4 - Castilla (Seguidillas) nr.7 |
email : podium111actief@gmail.com - info@comtesa.nl
Program : GOLDBERG (00:00 - 07:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Varied Minuet for piano [05:18]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano
Program : MAESTRO (14:00 - 17:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Mignon Lied 'Kennst du das Land' [07:40]
Nina Stemme, soprano - Zsolt Hamar, conductor - Vlaams Radio Orkest
Saturday 10 NOVEMBER 2018 14:00-18:00 Lecture - 20:00 Concert
Address : Muziekstudio Queen Elisabeth hall, Carnotstraat 10, 2060 Antwerpen

Liesbeth Devos, soprano
Giancarlo Andretta, conductor
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
The 'Great War' of 1914-1918 had a profound impact on the artists of our own country. The Antwerp Symphony Orchestra and soprano Liesbeth Devos mark the hundred years since the end of the First World War with breathtakingly beautiful music by composers such as Lodewijk Mortelmans, Richard Strauss, Claude Debussy and Edward Elgar.
The music is complemented by a selection of poetry, letters and diary fragments from that period by Flemish writers such as Paul van Ostaijen, Daan Boens, August Van Cauwelaert or Virginie Loveling, performed with great empathy b Vic De Wachter and Gilda De Bal.
The sound of the 'Great War'. Music, war and peace in Antwerp.
On 10 November, the Flemish Music Study Centre is organising a special afternoon around Antwerp music life during WWI.
What music was played in Antwerp during the WWI? Were there any concerts organised? How did musicians and composers experience the war and how did they support with music the monarch, the people and the homeland? Why is Emile Wambach one of the most important 'war composers'? How did the war seep through into street songs and how did sound the war schlagers?
Program 14:00-18:00 :
* Prof. Dr. Antoon Vrints, UGent : Introduction
* Jan Dewilde, Study Centre for Flemish Music / Royal Conservatory Antwerp : Occupied city. Music life in Antwerp during the Great War
* Dra. Barbara Deruytter, UGent : Singing of the war. Popular voices in street, market and café-chantant songs about the First World War.
- Antwerp street and market songs by Peter Spruyt, vocals and Hilke Bauweraerts, accordion
- War songs by Emile Wambach by Pauline Lebbe, soprano and Peter Jeurissen, piano
- Choral music from and about WWI by Emile Wambach, Jef Van Hoof and Jan Broeckx by the Antwerp Conservatory Choir conducted by Luc Anthonis
- Internationale war schlagers by Jóhann McClure Óðinsson Waage, baritone and Hannah Aelvoet, piano
Participation is free, but you must make a reservation before 5 November via svm@ap.be.
Program 20:00 : |
- Peter Vermeersch |
- Berceuse for adults |
- Richard Strauss |
- Eine Alpensinfonie |
- Jef Van Hoof |
- Symfonische suite nr.1 (Symphonic Suite) |
- Claude Debussy |
- Berceuse héroïque |
- Alban Berg |
- Drei Bruchstücke aus Wozzeck |
- Claude Debussy |
- Noël des enfants qui n'ont plus de maisons (orkestratie door Georges D'Hoedt) |
- Peter Vermeersch |
- Grote Zirkus van de Heilige Geest (From: Music-Hall) |
- Paul Gilson |
- Suite à la manière ancienne |
- Frits Celis |
- Preludio e narrazione |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- In memoriam (Elegie nr.1) |
- Edward Elgar |
- Une voix dans le désert (for voice, soprano and orchestra) |
- Lodewijk De Vocht |
- In ballingschap |
Realized with the support of the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government.
website : www.svm.be - www.antwerpsymphonyorchestra.be/herdenkingsconcert-14-18.be
Saturday & Sunday 27 - 28 OCTOBER 2018 14:00
Address : cimetary Schoonselhof - 2610 Wilrijk Antwerpen
Musical Schoonselhof - Flemish music history at Schoonselhof in Antwerp
Unique walk on the occasion of the Antwerp Week of the Cemeteries
There is music in the Schoonselhof, and much more than you think! Did you know that many musicians and composers have found their final resting place at this Antwerp necropolis? Especially for the Antwerp Cemetery Week, music historian David Vergauwen will highlight the incredible musical richness hidden here in a unique guided tour, with special attention to the heritage of Flemish composers, including Peter Benoit, Flor Alpaerts and Lodewijk Mortelmans. There will also be attention for talented singers and musicians from the world of classical music, opera, folk and many other genres. Besides the symbolism of their graves and the special stories about their musical existence, there will also be pieces of music listened to, together with the guide. Dr. Tamara Ingels (chairman asbl Grafzerkje) gives a historical introduction about the meaning of the Schoonselhof cemetery.
Appointment at the main entrance of Schoonselhof cemetery (corner of the Krijgsbaan and Sint-Bernardsesteenweg), Wilrijk
Gidsen: David Vergauwen, music historian - Tamara Ingels, vzw Grafzerkje
Price: participation is free, but registration is required.
Registration must be done via frans.vandevondel@gmail.com - GSM : 0473/26 49 98
[Due to great success: extra tour 27-10-2018 14:00 - attention 28-10-2018 is full!]
For all other information you can contact : vzwgrafzerkje@gmail.com
This tour is made possible thanks to the Cemeteries Department of the City of Antwerp and vzw Grafzerkje.
website: www.grafzerkje.be
Program : ESPRESSO (07:00 - 10:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Saïdjah’s Lied [04:59]
Peter Vanhove, piano
Thursday 25 OCTOBER 2018 20:00
Address : St. Antoniuskerk - 2650 Edegem
Commemoration regarding the 150th Year of Lodewijk Mortelmans
Organisation: ORFEO
Hendrikje Van Kerckhove, soprano
Nicolas Callot, piano
Program : |
- Edvard Grieg |
1843-1907 |
- Hjertets Melodier Op.5:
- To Brune Øjne
- Du Fatter Ei Bølgernes Evige Gang
- Jeg Elsker Dig!
- Minor Tanke Er Et Mægtigt Fjeld |
- 6 Lieder Op.48
- Gruss
- Dereinst, Gedanke mein
- Lauf der Welt
- Die verschwiegene Nachtigall
- Zur Rosenzeit
- Ein Traum |
- piano solo
- Op.47 Melankoli
- Op.38 Vals
- Op.57 Hjemve
- Op.62 Hjemad |
pause |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
1868-1952 |
- Lieder
- Doornroosje
- Wiegelied
- O kind, o kind
- Kindje, wat ben je toch zacht
- Kerkhofblomme
- ‘t Avond |
- Robert Schumann |
1810-1856 |
- Frauenliebe und -leben Op.42
- Seit ich ihn gesehen
- Er, der Herrlichste von allen
- Ich kann's nicht fassen, nicht glauben
- Du Ring an meinem Finger
- Helft mir, ihr Schwestern
- Süßer Freund, du blickest mich verwundert an
- An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust
- Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz getan |
website : www.orfeo.be - www.nicolascallot.be
Sunday 21 OCTOBER 2018 11:00
Address : Castle Cortewalle - KPSK, Zwarte Dreef - 9120 Beveren
Nieuwe herfst, Nieuwe kleur
(New autumn, new colour)
Organisation: Koninklijke Piet Staut Kring
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano
For over 40 years, pianist Jozef De Beenhouwer has been asked to perform at home and abroad. He plays chamber music with the greatests musicians, is a passionate Lieder accompanist and turns every piano into a painter's palette with the most beautiful colours. Bach, Chopin, Schubert and Mortelmans, Jozef is a man of many facets.
website : www.kspk.be
Program : GOLDBERG (10:00 - 07:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Het wielewaalt en leeuwerkt [05:43]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano
Program : KLARA SERVEERT (12:00 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Het wielewaalt en leeuwerkt [05:43]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano
Program : ESPRESSO (06:00 - 09:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - 2 Lieder: Als de Ziele luistert - 't Groeit een Blomken [05:55]
Hendrickje Van Kerckhove, soprano - Christel Kessels, piano
SENZANOME 5411499 92022 92022
Program : ESPRESSO (06:00 - 09:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Intermezzo in A [03:29]
Peter Vanhove, piano
Program : KLARA SERVEERT (12:00 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Romanza for violine and orchestra [05:32]
Milan Pala, violine - Herman Engels, conductor - Filharmonie Hradec Kralové
Program : WALDEN (11:00 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrische pastorale for horn and orchestra [07:38]
Diechje Minne, horn - Herman Engels, conductor - Filharmonie Hradec Kralové
Saturday 15 SEPTEMBER 2018 13:30 - 15:15 - 17:00
Address : Muziekcentrum De Bijloke Concertzaal - Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2, 9000 Gent

Concert Odegand - Peer Gynt - Fairytale symphonic
Liesbeth Devos, soprano
Jan Latham-Koenig, conductor
Symfonie Orkest Vlaanderen
with the support of Studiecentrum voor Vlaamse Muziek
Program : |
- Edvar Grieg |
- parts of Peer Gynt Op.23 |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- 4 Lieder for orchestra :
Als de ziele luistert, Koekoek, Meidag, Hoe schoon de morgendauw |
website : www.liesbethdevos.com - www.odegand.gent - www.svm.be
Program : KLARA SERVEERT (12:00 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Romanza for violine and orchestra [05:32]
Milan Pala, violine - Herman Engels, conductor - Filharmonie Hradec Kralové
Tuesday 11 SEPTEMBER 2018
Program : ESPRESSO (06:00 - 09:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrische pastorale for horn and orchestra [07:38]
Diechje Minne, horn - Herman Engels, conductor - Filharmonie Hradec Kralové
Saturday 8 SEPTEMBER 2018
WQXR NEW-YORK Public Radio
Program : 08:27
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Mythe der Lente - Symfonic Poem [10:28]
Silveer Van den Broeck, conductor - VRT Philharmonic Orchestra
MARCO POLO 8.225101
WQXR NEW-YORK Public Radio
Program : 20:42
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Elegie II. Hartverheffing (Exultation) [07:34]
Silveer Van den Broeck, conductor - VRT Philharmonic Orchestra
MARCO POLO 8.225100
Program : KLARA SERVEERT (12:00 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Mythe der Lente [10:41]
Martyn Brabbins, conductor - DeFilharmonie
Sunday 2 SEPTEMBER 2018 11:00
Address : St.-Carolus Borromeuskerk, Hendrik Conscienceplein 12 - 2000 Antwerpen
Organisation : Carolus Borromeuskerk
Christa Steenhuyse-Vandevelde, piano
Program : |
- Christa Steenhuyse-Vandevelde |
[proper works] 11:10-11:30 |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Fra Angelico’s dansende engelen [Miniatures II]
- Melodisch Interludium (Miniatures I)
- Exaltation (Hartsverheffing)
- Interludium (Miniatures III)
- Innerlijke vreugde [Miniatures III]
- Eenvoud [Miniatures I]
- Vreugde [Miniatures I] |
website : www.carolusborromeus.com - Agenda Artiestenmissen
Sunday 2 SEPTEMBER 2018 11:00-12:00
Address : Kleine Kapel ‘Ten Walle’, Bruggestraat 12 - 8820 Torhout
Aperitif Concert
Organisation : NEOS Torhout
Program :
Anne-Leen Gevaert, oboe
Lynn Leterme, piano
Belgian Music of a.o. August De Boeck, Lodewijk Mortelmans and Joseph Ryelandt
Program : PROMENADE (12:00 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Varied Minuet for piano [05:18]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano
Program : DE TOVERBERG (18:00 - 20:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Varied Minuet for piano [05:18]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano
Program : GOLDBERG (23:00 - 07:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Morgenstemming [12:35]
Martyn Brabbins, conductor - DeFilharmonie
Address : Haus Wahnfried (Wagnermuseum) Richard-Wagner-Straße 48, 95444 Bayreuth Germany
Liederabend Wahnfried - PREMIERE
Werner Van Mechelen, bas-bariton
Eric Schneider, piano
Programm : |
- Franz Schubert |
1797-1828 |
- Litanei auf Allerseelen
- Nachtstück |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
1868-1952 |
- Hoe schoon de Morgendauw
- ’t Groeit een blomken
- Wierook
- Als de ziele luistert
- ’t Avondt
- ’t Is de Mandel
- Moederken
- ‘k Hoore tuitend hoornen |
- Gustav Mahler |
1860-1911 |
- Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen |
- Richard Strauss |
1864-1949 |
- Im Spätboot
- Drei Gesänge Op.87
- Vom Künftigen Alter
- Und dann nicht mehr
- Im Sonnenschein
- Zueignung
- Die Nacht
- Allerseelen
- Morgen |
website : www.wernervanmechelen.eu - www.wagnermuseum.de
Program : GOLDBERG (00:00 - 07:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrisch gedicht for small orchestra [11:40]
Bjarte Engeset, conductor - Vlaams Radio Orkest
MMP 029
Program : PROMENADE (12:00 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Als de Ziele luistert [03:30]
Liesbeth Devos, soprano - Dirk Vermeulen, conductor - Die Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen
Program : PROMENADE (12:00 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Saïdjah’s Lied [04:59]
Peter Vanhove, piano
Program : MAESTRO (14:00 - 18:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrische pastorale [07:50]
Ivo Hadermann, Horn - Geert Callaert, piano
AIROPHONIC 541149980132
Program : KLASSIEK LEEFT (09:00 - 12:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Als de Ziele luistert [03:30]
Liesbeth Devos, soprano - Dirk Vermeulen, conductor - Die Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen
Program : Through the Night (00:30 - 06:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrisch gedicht for small orchestra [11:40]
Bjarte Engeset, conductor - Vlaams Radio Orkest
MMP 029
Program : KLASSIEK LEEFT (09:08 - 12:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrische pastorale [07:50]
Ivo Hadermann, horn - Geert Callaert, piano
AIROPHONIC 541149980132
Program : PROMENADE (12:05 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Het wielewaalt en leeuwerkt [05:43]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano
Sunday 5 AUGUST 2018 20:15
Address : San Lurench Church (San Lorenzo), Avant Baselgia 80 - CH 7554 Scuol (Sent) Graubunden Unterengadin Swiss
Meisterwerke der Klaviermusik
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano
Program : |
- Johann Sebastian Bach |
1685-1750 |
- Partita Nr.1 B Dur, BWV 825 (Leipzig, 1826)
- Praeludium, Allemande, Corrente, Menuet I & II, Giga |
- Robert Schumann |
1810-1856 |
- Gesänge der Frühe, Op.133 (15-18.10.1853)
- I. Im ruhigen Tempo, II. Belebt, nicht zu rasch, III. Lebhaft, IV. Bewegt, V. Im Anfang ruhiges, im Verlauf bewegteres Tempo |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
1868-1952 |
- Het Wielewaalt en Leeuwerkt (1921) |
- Johannes Brahms |
1833-1897 |
- Drei Intermezzi, Op.117 (Bad Ischl, Sommer 1892)
- Nr.1 Es dur Andante moderato, Nr.2 b-moll Andante non troppo; Nr.3 cis moll Andante con moto |
- Frédéric Chopin |
1810-1849 |
- Nocturne G dur, Op.37 Nr.2 (Mallorca, ca 1839),
- Nocturne H dur, Op.62 Nr.1 (ca 1845),
- Ballade f moll, Op.52 (1842) |
website : www.sent-online.ch/concerts
Program : GOLDBERG (00:05 - 07:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Saïdjah’s Lied [04:59]
Peter Vanhove, piano
Program : KLARA WEEKEND (07:08 - 10:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Morgenstemming [12:35]
Martyn Brabbins, conductor - DeFilharmonie
Program : GOLDBERG (00:05 - 07:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Varied Minuet for piano [05:18]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano
Thursday 19 JULY 2018 20:00
Address : Saigon Opera House, Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam
Beethoven's Symphony No. 8
NDO – A concert will be held in Ho Chi Minh City on July 19 as an event to mark the 45th anniversary of Vietnam – Belgian diplomatic ties. The concert will feature the participation of artists from the Ho Chi Minh City Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Opera (HBSO). Conductor Daniel Gazon, born in 1955, finished studying trumpet and double bass in 1977 and began studying as a conductor a year later. He has worked with internationally acclaimed conductors such as Seiji Ozawa and Sergiu Celibidache, as well as leading orchestras in Belgium, Poland, Slovakia and other European countries.
The highlight of the concert will be the Symphony No. 8 in F major, Op.93, a symphony in four movements composed by renowned German composer Ludwig van Beethoven in 1812. Beethoven's grandfather, also called Ludwig, was born in the Flemish-speaking part of what is now Belgium. The name ‘Ludwig’ is a form of the Flemish name ‘Lodewijk’. And what could be less surprising than that the concert begins with an item composed by someone called Lodewijk Mortelmans, a Belgian composer who lived from 1868 to 1952. It’s followed by an aria written by another Belgian, Joseph Jongen (1873–1953).
Program : |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Lied van Mignon “Kennst du das Land” |
- Joseph Jongen |
- Release & Les Langues de Feu, from “Cinq Melodies” Op.57 |
Cho Hae Ryong, sopraan |
- Gioacchino Rossini |
- Introduction, Theme and Variations for clarinet and orchestra
- Introduction - Andante
- Theme - Allegretto
- Variation I - Più mosso
- Variation II
- Variation III - Arpeggios
- Variation IV - Largo (minore) - Più mosso - A tempo
- Variation V - Più mosso |
Hoàng Ngoc Anh Quân, clarinet |
Intermission |
- Ludwig van Beethoven |
- Symphony No.8 in F Majeur, Op.93
- I. Allegro vivace e con brio
- II. Allegretto scherzando
- III. Tempo di minuetto
- IV. Allegro vivace |
Program : MAESTRO (14:05 - 18:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrische pastorale [07:50]
Ivo Hadermann, horn - Geert Callaert, piano
AIROPHONIC 541149980132
WQXR NEW-YORK Public Radio
Program :
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Mythe der Lente - Symphonic Poem [10:28]
Silveer Van den Broeck, conductor - VRT Philharmonic Orchestra
MARCO POLO 8.225101
Program : ESPRESSO (07:05 - 09:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Het wielewaalt en leeuwerkt [05:43]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano
Program : KLASSIEK LEEFT (09:08 - 12:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Mythe der Lente (Allegretto) [12:35]
Fernand Terby, conductor - BRTN Philharmonisch Orkest Brussel
Program : KLASSIEK LEEFT (09:08 - 12:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Mignon Lied 'Kennst du das Land' [07:40]
Hendrickje Van Kerckhove, soprano - Christel Kessels, piano
SENZANOME 5411499 92022 2
Program : MAESTRO (14:05 - 18:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Ellen (een lied van de Smart) [11:04]
Peter Gijsbertsen, tenor - Dirk Vermeulen, conductor - Die Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen
Address : Theater Leo 17 - Leopoldstraße 17, 80802 Munich, Germany
2. Münchner Regenbogen Konzert
Münchner Philharmoniker
Program : |
- Leonard Bernstein |
- Somewhere from 'West Side Story' |
- Ethel Smyth |
- The March of the Women |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Herinneringen aan Patroklos' dood (Memories of Patroklos' death) from 'Homeric Symphony' München Premiere |
- Alexander Strauch |
- Fanfaren-Verfahren-Ouvertüre |
Rainbow Sound Orchestra Munich |
Mary Ellen Kitchens, conductor Alexander Strauch, conductor |
- Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel |
- Streichquartett Es-Dur : 1. Adagio ma non troppo - 2. Allegretto - 3. Romanze - 4. Allegro molto vivace |
- Felix Mendelssohn_Bartholdy |
- Streichquartett f-Moll op.80 : 1. Allegro vivace assai – Presto - 2. Allegro assai - 3. Adagio - 4. Finale. Allegro molto |
website : www.leo.de - www.mphil.de
Program : KLARA WEEKEND (07:08 - 10:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Varied Minuet for piano [05:18]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano
From 4 JULY till 15 JULY 2018
Address : Gallery Castle Rivierenhof, Turnhoutsebaan 244 – 2100 Deurne
Exposition :
Van Figuur tot Landschapsschilder
Jozef Posenaer (1876-1935)
Alex Elaut, curator
From Figure Painter to Landscape Painter
For the 5th time we may invite you for an exhibition about the painter Jozef Posenaer. In recent years a lot of new drawings and paintings by this versatile artist and inspirer of Antwerp's art scene have emerged.
We also notice that the Academic world and universities are paying more attention to landscape painters from around 1900. They saw nature disappear around their beloved spots through industry and urban expansion. It is therefore not surprising that they are co-founders of associations such as 'Natuur en Stedenschoon' or that they are members from an early age.
After completing his Academy in 1901 as a history painter, Joseph Posenaer concentrated more on landscape painting. In his correspondence with his good friend Armand Maclot, he quotes the beautiful moments in which they pulled the Kempen together with the easel to bring the fine grey skies, with low clouds that brought such a deep melancholy atmosphere to the canvas. He writes: 'The abandonment of infinity that we find in the heath'.
However, he remained an ardent draughtsman. Old students will later testify: 'Posenaer taught us to draw. He was a craftsman'.
At the exhibition we will show some of the remaining studies from his education. There are also a few rare drawings and paintings of the models at the Academy. The same people who also figured for Vincent Van Gogh under the direction of Professor E. Siberdt. Van Gogh left the Academy after three months. Posenaer became the primus of the class and, a few years later, under the same professors, won different prizes. He was certainly not an innovator, but mastered the various techniques of drawing and painting.
The City of Antwerp would ask him to take care of the murals of the foyer of the new Antwerp Opera in June 1914. The outbreak of the WOI brought the project to a standstill. It would have been a beautiful testimony of his ability. Maybe we will find the design drawings again.
Jozef Posenaer was also 32 years secretary of the art circle 'Als Ick Kan'. This follows on from the artists Henry Rul and Renaat Bosiers. A number of works by artists from this circle will also be displayed in the exhibition. Joseph Posenaer also contributed to the yearbooks of the Scalden. Of these beautifully published yearbooks there will also be some copies to admire. He was also known for his caricatures of other artists or she spoke about him…. (see drawing)
Why an exhibition in the Rivierenhof? A member of Jozef Posenaer's family was governess of the Cogels family at the castle. It is highly likely that he was given early access to the castle grounds, as depicted on the flyer. In this way he was able to create some beautiful park landscapes. This was also the case for the Middelheim park and the Nachtegale park. Especially in gouache, he will be able to create a dreamy atmosphere with his park views. As you can read on the flyer designed by Eva de Bruyn (great-granddaughter of his brother Felix Posenaer) the exhibition is free of charge accessible from 4 July to 15 July 2018 in the gallery of the castle Rivierenhof in Deurne.
With the cooperation of the Mortelmans Foundation
Program : GOLDBERG (00:05 - 06:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrisch gedicht for small orchestra [11:40]
Bjarte Engeset, conductor - Vlaams Radio Orkest
MMP 029
Program : PROMENADE (12:05 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - 3. Sirens playing and singing, from Homeric Symphony [11:37]
Martyn Brabbins, conductor - DeFilharmonie
Program : PROMENADE (12:05 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Het wielewaalt en leeuwerkt [05:29]
Peter Vanhove, piano
Sunday 24 JUNE 2018 11:00
Address : Sint Onolfsdijk 85 - 9200 Dendermonde
Odulphus Classic
Pianorecital sublime…
Jozef De Beenhouwer, piano
Program : |
- Johann Sebastian Bach |
1685-1750 |
- Partita Nr.1 B Dur, BWV 825 (Leipzig, 1826)
Praeludium, Allemande, Corrente, Menuet I & II, Giga |
- Robert Schumann |
1810-1856 |
- Kinderscenen, op.15 (1838)
Von fremden Ländern und Menschen, Kuriose Geschichte, Hasche-Mann, Bittendes Kind, Glückes genug, Wichtige Begebenheit,
Träumerei, Am Kamin, Ritter vom Steckenpferd, Fast zu ernst, Fürchtenmachen, Kind im Einschlummern, Der Dichter spricht |
- Peter Benoit |
1834-1901 |
- Troisième Fantaisie, Op.18 (1860) |
- Johannes Brahms |
1833-1897 |
From 'Drei Intermezzi, Op.117’ (Bad Ischl, Sommer 1892)
- Nr.2 b moll Andante non troppo |
- Frédéric Chopin |
1810-1849 |
- Nocturne H dur, Op.62 Nr.1 (ca 1845) |
- Marinus De Jong |
1891-1984 |
- Nocturno ‘Schemeravond op Esschenhof’, Op.53 (1945) |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
1868-1952 |
- Het Wielewaalt en Leeuwerkt (1921) |
website : www.odulphus.be
Program : IEDEREEEN KLASSIEK (13:05 - 15:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Ellen (een lied van de Smart) [11:04]
Peter Gijsbertsen, tenor - Dirk Vermeulen, conductor - Die Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen
Lodewijk Mortelmans † 24.06.1952
Thursday 28 JUNE 2018 20:00
Address : Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal, Groenplaats 21 - 2000 Antwerpen
Season 2018 - (Private concert for the Province)
Karel Deseure, conductor
Liesbeth Devos, soprano
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra - (deFilharmonie)
Program : |
- Edgar Tinel |
- Prelude Franciscus |
- August De Boeck |
- Cantilene van Francesca (from 'La route d’Emeraude') - C’est en toi, bien aimé |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Als de ziele luistert (from 'De Kinderen der zee') |
- Antonín Dvořák |
- Symphony No.8 in G major |
Muziek uit de recente Phaedra-CD 'De Kinderen der Zee'
website : www.liesbethdevos.com - www.kareldeseure.com
Sunday 17 JUNE 2018 11:30
Address : St.-Carolus Borromeuskerk, Hendrik Conscienceplein 12 - 2000 Antwerpen
Artist's Mass
Organisation : Carolus Borromeuskerk
Christa Steenhuyse-Vandevelde, piano
Program : |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Fra Angelico’s dansende engelen [Miniatures]
- Eénvoud [Miniatures]
- Innerlijke vreugde [Miniatures]
- Exaltation (Hartsverheffing) |
- Christa Steenhuyse-Vandevelde |
[proper works]
- The Bells of Carolus Borromeus
- Serenity
- Intermezzo ‘Tendresse’
- In Silence
- Prayer for a New World |
website : www.carolusborromeus.com - Agenda Artiestenmissen
Saturday 9 JUNE 2018 20:00
Address : St-Cordulachurch, Verbertstraat 23, 2900 Schoten
Arthur Verhoeven (°13.01.1889 Zandhoven - †24.04.1958 Schoten)
Commemorative concert - Commemoration of his 60th anniversary of death
In 2018 it will be 60 years since Arthur Verhoeven died in Schoten, after he had been a verger there for a long time in the St-Cordulachurch of Schoten. He was also a gifted musician and composer, and a pupil of August De Boeck and Lodewijk Mortelmans. In addition to organ compositions, his work mainly includes religious music. In 1968 he received a monument in the park of Schoten, near the castle; this monument was created on the initiative of the (VTB), today vtbKultuur.
Commemoration program 19:00 : Ceremonial inauguration of the renovated monument & 20:00 : Concert
Jozef De Beenhouwer, piano
Liesbeth Devos, soprano
Nadia Nevolovitsch, violin
Program : works of Arthur Verhoeven, Franz Schubert, W.A. Mozart, Lodewijk Mortelmans
Les Nuits de France Musique
Program : Webradios [06:06]
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Ivo's Love Song (Ivo's liefdelied - Act 1) [03:48]
Peter Gijsbertsen, tenor - Dirk Vermeulen, conductor - Die Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen

WQXR NEW-YORK Public Radio
Program :
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Elegie I - In Memoriam - [07:41]
Silveer van den Broeck, conductor - BRTN Filharmonisch Orkest
MARCO POLO 8.225100
Program : KLASSIEK LEEFT (09:08 - 12:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrische pastorale [07:50]
Ivo Hadermann, horn - Geert Callaert, piano
AIROPHONIC 541149980132
Program : PROMENADE (12:05 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Mythe der Lente - Symfonisch Gedicht [10:41]
Martyn Brabbins, conductor - DeFilharmonie
Thursday 17 MAI 2018 19:30
Address : Cadogan Hall, 5 Sloane Terrace, Belgravia, London SW1X 9DQ, UK
Concert in London
Flanders Symphony Orchestra
Pavel Kolesnikov, piano
Jan Latham Koenig, conductor
Programma : |
- Antonín Dvořák |
- Two Slavonic Dances |
- Ludwig von Beethoven |
- Piano Concerto No. 1 |
- Jean Sibelius |
- The Swan of Tuonela |
- Edvard Grieg |
- Peer Gynt Suites 1 & 2 |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Hartverheffing |
website : www.cadoganhall.com
Programma :
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrisch gedicht for small orchestra [11:40]
Bjarte Engeset, dirigent - Vlaams Radio Orkest
MMP 029
BBC Radio 3
Programma :
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrisch gedicht for small orchestra [11:40]
Bjarte Engeset, dirigent - Vlaams Radio Orkest
MMP 029
Program : ESPRESSO (06:05 - 09:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Intermezzo in A [03:29]
Peter Vanhove, piano
Program : ESPRESSO (06:05 - 09:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Hoe schoon de morgendauw [01:55]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano - Werner van Mechelen, bariton
Program : ESPRESSO (06:05 - 09:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Meidag [03:05]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano - Werner van Mechelen, bariton
Address : Huis de Min, Sint-Katelijnestraat 63 - 2800 Mechelen
Marie François, piano
Program, a.o. |
- Frédéric Chopin |
- Andante Spianato - Grande Polonaise Brillante |
- Domenico Scarlatti |
- two compositions |
- Lodewijk Mortelmans |
- Het wielewaalt en leeuwerkt |
- Claude Debussy |
- Etude Nr.11 pour les arpèges composés |
- Sofia Gubaidulina |
- Chaconne |
- Nikolai Kapustin |
- Variations Op.41 (nach Le Sacre du printemps - Igor Stravinski) |
website : www.muziekschool-wonderfulworld.com - www.cultuurpakt.be/concerten/marie-francois-in-de-min-warm-en-genereus.be
Saturday 5 MAI 2018 15:00
Address : De Kleine Stooringhe, Blinde-Rodenbachstraat 23 – 8800 Rumbeke
Point Final 18 - Koffieconcert
Ode Maertens, piano
Program :
Sergej Rachmaninoff - 8 études - tableaux op.33 nr.7
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Het wielewaalt en leeuwerkt
website : www.pointfinal18.be
Program : KLARA WEEKEND (07:08 - 10:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Hoe schoon de morgendauw [01:55]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano - Werner van Mechelen, baritone
PHAEDRA 92019 : In Flanders' Fields, Vol.19
Program :
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Meidag [02:58]
Jozef de Beenhouwer, piano - Werner van Mechelen, bariton
PHAEDRA 92019 : In Flanders' Fields, Vol.19
Saturday & Sunday 28 - 29 APRIL 2018
Address : Privat Museum House Mortelmans - Boterhamstraat 1 - 2000 Antwerpen
Open house weekend - House Mortelmans
Everybody is welcome, and the entrance is free
Doors : 11:00 - 17:30
Program : PROMENADE romenade (12:05 - 14:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Lyrical poem for small orchestra [11:40]
Bjarte Engeset, conductor - Vlaams Radio Orkest
MMP 029
Program : GOLDBERG (00:05 - 07:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - Saïdjah’s Lied [04:59]
Peter Vanhove, piano
Program : KLARA WEEKEND (07:08 - 11:00)
Lodewijk Mortelmans - 2 lieder: Als de Ziele luistert - 't Groeit een Blomken [05:55]
Hendrickje Van Kerckhove, soprano - Christel Kessels, piano
SENZANOME 5411499 92022 92022
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 APRIL 2018
Address : Castle d'Ursel, Wolfgang d'Urselstraat 9 - 2880 Hingene
Flowers Event - Exhibition Frans Mortelmans
in cooperation with 'Fleurs des Dames'
Doors : friday / saturday / sunday : 10:00 - 20:00 & monday : 10:00 - 18:00
website : www.fleursdesdames.be
Exhibition of approx. 50 paintings of Frans Mortelmans from privat collections.